Organizing Your Home For The New School Year

As the summer begins to wind down, many of us find ourselves preparing for the fall season. There can be a desire to purge, organize, stock pile and create order.  Below are three areas that I like to tackle and give time to in order to create capacity once life really picks up!

1. Organize All The Material Things:

I like to start with my kids’ backpacks, lunchboxes and water bottles. I take them out of storage and give them a good wipe down, checking for hidden treasures from the last school year. I make sure there are no rips, the zippers work and their name is still visible on the inside.

Next I move unto their clothing. I pull out all their clothes from their closets, dressers, and storage. Together, we make sure everything fits and then make a list of what is still needed. With labor day coming up, majority of stores will have sales going on, so have those lists ready and find the best deals!

Even though it is still summer, I like to pull out all of their winter gear and take inventory of what still fits and works properly. In Minnesota, you never know when the first winter storm will hit, so having it all sorted out beforehand makes waking up to that first storm more enjoyable! Majority of stores are clearancing out their previous years winter gear to make room for this years arrivals. I have found quality gear from Eddie Bauer, Columbia and North Face for up to 70% in August and Septemeber!

2. Organize Medicine Cabinet:

Pull out all of our medicines, tinctures, and first aid kits. I check to see what has expired and what is empty. I make a list of everything that we may need during cold and flu season. This includes homeopathics like Oscillococcinum- (our favorite first defense!), cold and cough medicine- think cough syrup and drops, Kleenexes, vapor rub and fever reducers. I also check to make sure we have a working thermometer and rubbing alcohol to sanitize.  Last, I make sure we are stocked up on epsom salts for baths, soups for the pantry and herbal teas like cold calm, throat comfort and chamomile. 

3. Meal Plan For The First Week Of School:

The first week of school is filled with excitement, routine changes and adjustments. I find it helpful to make a list of every meal we will eat that first week- including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Once everything is planned out, go grocery shopping and stock up on what you need. Once home, prep as much as you can so you are set up for the week. We have a simple meal prep printable here that you can use to help plan out your week. Have the kids help you think of meals and snacks- I find that they are more eager to help and eat when they are involved in the whole process! 

I would love to hear if you do anything else to prep and organize your home as you begin the new school year!?


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